Author Index
Find articles written by a specific author using the links below. Authors are listed in alphabetical order:
Kathleen Arano
Charlie Baer
- Indiana's STEM Pipeline: A Surplus of Graduates (July-Aug 2014)
- Labor Force Dynamics: What Influences the Size of the Labor Force? (January-February 2013)
- Location Quotients: A Tool for Comparing Regional Industry Compositions (March 2006)
- Boomer Retirements in Indiana (September 2005)
Diana Barrett
Bruce F. Bendull
John Besl
- Keeping Up with the Hamiltons (March/April 2003)
- The Impact of Migration on Population Change (November/December 2002)
- Census Ancestry Changes Reflect Changing America (September/October 2002)
Cathy Boatman
- Beyond the Front Desk of the Hospitality Industry (October 2007)
- Plastics are Big Business in Indiana (July 2007)
Daina Bohr
David Brown
Terry Brown
- Who's Hiring? (January-February 2014)
- Labor Force Dynamics: What Influences the Size of the Labor Force? (January-February 2013)
- As the Workforce Churns: Indiana's 2005:3 Quarterly Workforce Indicators (February 2007)
- Location Quotients: A Tool for Comparing Regional Industry Compositions (March 2006)
- Boomer Retirements in Indiana (September 2005)
Eric Bussis
Hope Clark
- Indiana Strategic Skills Initiative (January 2006)
- Household vs. Payroll Surveys: Which is more Reliable? (November 2005)
Jerry Conover
- The Rearview Mirror: A 90-Year Retrospective on Indiana's Economy (May-June 2015)
- Evolving Industries in Southwest Central Indiana (September-October 2014)
- Southwest Central Indiana: First Glimpses of an Emerging Region (May-June 2014)
- Income Inequality Here and There (March-April 2014)
- Personal Income Growth Slows (May-June 2009)
- Latest Personal Income Stats (May 2008)
- Indiana's Personal Income Grew but Its Share of the Nation Fell (February 2007)
- Hoosiers Strongly Prefer Domestic Autos (October 2006)
- Indiana's Economy Still Growing, but More Slowly (July 2006)
- The Indiana Dichotomy: Economy Grows but Lags Nation (August 2005)
- Who's Growing and Who's Not? City and Town Population in 2003 (July/August 2004)
- Follow the Money: Indiana Income Tax Returns (November/December 2003)
Alex Corn
Uric B. Dufrene
- Indiana Bank Performance During the Current Financial Crisis (May-June 2009)
- Casino Impact on Orange County's Labor Market—Early Evidence (November 2007)
- Louisville Metro Continues to Add Jobs (May 2007)
- The Southern Indiana Bank Deposit Market (March 2007)
- New Residential Permit Trends in Southern Indiana (January 2007)
Erich Eschmann
Thea Evans
- Occupation Assignment Engine helps fill knowledge gaps (July-Aug 2017)
- Radon: A public health issue that hurts the poor the most (July-August 2016)
- The Home/Work Balance: Visualizing Commuting in Indiana (May-June 2016)
- Indiana's Coal Mining Industry (July-Aug 2015)
Bob Ferguson
Sam Forrest
Amia K. Foston
- Indiana Graduates and Brain Drain (January-February 2014)
- Top Level Degrees in Indiana: A Look at the Numbers (March-April 2012)
- Hoosiers without Banks: Differences by Race, Income and Metro Area (March-April 2011)
Jillian Gregory
Kirsten Grønbjerg
- The Economic Impact of Indiana's Nonprofits (May/June 2005)
- Study Finds Nonprofit Sector is a Major Economic Force for Indiana (July/August 2003)
Robert Guell
Debra Guzman
- Per Capita Income Recovery: Indiana Counties (July-August 2013)
- What's Behind the Labor Force Participation Rate? (March-April 2013)
- Autoworker Re-Employment in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio (Jan-Feb 2012)
Tanya Hall
- Ninety Years of Agriculture: Going Beyond the Rockwell Image of Farming (July-Aug 2015)
- The Great Recession's Influence on Indiana's Wood Products Industry (May-June 2015)
- The Value of Indiana Agriculture Production (November-December 2014)
- Farm Financials (September-October 2014)
- The Data Says ... Results from the 2012 Census of Agriculture (July-August 2014)
- Indiana's Trade with BRICS and Emerging Markets (March-April 2014)
- Indiana Graduates and Brain Drain (January-February 2014)
- Vehicles and Pharmaceuticals Lead Indiana’s Exports (November-December 2013)
- Fast Facts about Foreign Direct Investment in Indiana (September-October 2013)
- Indiana's Ag Economy (July-August 2013)
- Products not Commodities: The Indiana-European Trade Connection (September-October 2011)
- Indiana's Wood Products Manufacturing Industry (September-October 2010)
- The Importance of Indiana Agriculture (May-June 2010)
- Do Teachers Have Education Degrees? Matching Fields of Study to Popular Occupations of Bachelor’s Degree Graduates
- The Elkhart-Goshen Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (November-December 2009)
- The South Bend-Mishawaka Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (September-October 2009)
Yan He
- The Southern Indiana Bank Deposit Market (March 2007)
- New Residential Permit Trends in Southern Indiana (January 2007)
Brittany Hotchkiss
- Economic projections for Indiana's metro areas in 2025 (Jan-Feb 2025)
- Hoosiers on the move: An update 10 years later (May-Jun 2024)
- Economic projections for Indiana's metro areas in 2024 (Jan-Feb 2024)
- Indiana voter turnout: A harbinger of things to come in 2024? (July-Aug 2023)
- Economic projections for Indiana's metro areas in 2023 (Jan-Feb 2023)
- The business of sports in the Hoosier state (Nov-Dec 2022)
- 2018 voter turnout: Was it as impressive as it seemed? (Mar-Apr 2019)
- Child care deserts (Jan-Feb 2019)
Riley Hudelson-Zipper
- Unaffordability and uncertainty take center stage in 2025 housing market (Mar-Apr 2025)
- Building opportunity: Diversifying Indiana's construction workforce to bridge labor gaps (Mar-Apr 2024)
- Digging into Indiana's jobs reports over the last five years (Jan-Feb 2024)
- A slow, uneven recovery for Indiana's child care workforce (May-Jun 2023)
- Do counties with high social capital show less COVID-19 spread? It's complicated (Sept-Oct 2020)
- Should I stay (home) or go (to work)? Jobs with COVID-19 risk in Indiana's counties (July-August 2020)
- Everything you always wanted to know about agglomeration (but were afraid to ask) (March-April 2020)
Matthew Hutchinson
- Hungary: Countries IN Profile (Jan-Feb 2011)
- Brazil: Countries IN Profile (Nov-Dec 2010)
- Ireland: Countries IN Profile (Sept-Oct 2010)
- Countries IN Profile: Portugal (July-August 2010)
Ted Jockel
- Indiana's Insurance Industry (November/December 2004)
- Life Sciences in Indiana: Current Trends by Sector (July/August 2004)
- Job Gains and Losses by Sector: The First Three Months of 2003 and 2004 Compared (May/June 2004)
- The Link Between Advanced Manufacturing and Productivity (January/February 2004)
Mark Keillor
Joan Ketcham
Matt Kinghorn
- Projections show significant growth for Indiana's elderly population (November-December 2024)
- Indiana's school-age population projected to decline (Sept-Oct 2024)
- Indiana Births continue to fall (Sept-Oct 2024)
- Estimating excess deaths in Indiana (Sept-Oct 2022)
- Westfield set the pace for Indiana's population growth in 2021 (July-Aug 2022)
- Pandemic upended Indiana's population trends in 2021 (Sept-Oct 2021)
- The growing divide in life expectancy among Indiana counties (Mar-Apr 2022)
- Young Hoosiers amplify Indiana's key demographic shifts (Nov-Dec 2021)
- Census 2020 shows metro areas have fueled Indiana's growth (Sept-Oct 2021)
- The drivers of Indiana’s population growth since 2010 (July-Aug 2021)
- Census results: Indiana adds nearly 302,000 new residents since 2010 (May-Jun 2021)
- Central Indiana communities drive population growth in the state (July-Aug 2020)
- Indiana sees continued strong population growth in 2019 (May-Jun 2020)
- Census 2020: Balancing privacy and data reliability (May-June 2020)
- Whitestown and Westfield top list of Indiana's fastest-growing communities (July-August 2019)
- Indiana sees stronger population growth in 2018 (May-June 2019)
- A decade of declining births (May-June 2019)
- Indiana labor force projections: Slowdown on the horizon (Sept-Oct 2018)
- Indy-area suburbs dominate list of Indiana's fastest-growing communities (July-Aug 2018)
- Many Indiana counties see stronger population growth in 2017 (May-Jun 2018)
- Indiana population projections to 2050 (Mar-Apr 2018)
- Carmel, Indianapolis and Fort Wayne show biggest 2016 population gains (July-Aug 2017)
- Demographic drivers of Indiana housing market continue to lag (Jan-Feb 2017)
- Indiana's housing market in 2016: Strong demand, tight supply (Sept-Oct 2016)
- Indy-area communities dominate list of fastest-growing places in Indiana (July-August 2016)
- Slowing Population Growth (May-June 2016)
- Indiana Housing: A Historical Perspective (Nov-Dec 2015)
- Indiana Reaches Important Housing Milestones in 2015 (Sept-Oct 2015)
- The Economic Contributions of Indiana Agriculture (May-June 2015)
- Indiana's Housing Market in 2015 (January-February 2015)
- Indiana Grows Increasingly Diverse (September-October 2014)
- Indiana's Housing Market in 2013 (November-December 2013)
- Future Workers of Indiana: Projecting the Labor Force to 2040 (Nov-Dec 2012)
- Population Growth Continues to Slow Amid Sluggish Economic Recovery (July-August 2012)
- Senior Citizens in Indiana Metros (May-Jun 2012)
- A Demographic View of Indiana's Housing Slump (November-December 2011)
- The Economic Bootprint of Defense Spending in Indiana (November-December 2011)
- Census 2010: Children = Diversity (July-Aug 2011)
- Indiana's Employment Dynamics (Jan-Feb 2011)
- Recession Alters Indiana Migration Trends (May-June 2010)
- GDP Dynamics Shed Light on Economic Downturn in Indiana (November-December 2009)
- Foreign Direct Investment in Indiana (September-October 2009)
- Population and Employment Change in Indiana (July-August 2009)
- Indiana Population Projections by Race and Hispanic Origin (September-October 2008)
- Indiana Sees Big Gains in Population For Certain Cities and Towns (July-August 2008)
- Trends in Indiana's School-Age Population (April 2008)
- Gross Domestic Product by Metropolitan Area (January 2008)
- Indiana Population Projections, 2005 to 2040 (December 2007)
- The Bloomington Area Economy (August 2007)
- Indiana's Changing Latino Population (July 2007)
- I Did It My Way: Self-Employment on the Rise in Indiana (March 2007)
Amber Kostelac (Amber Dodez)
- A Nation in Debt: U.S. International Investment (December 2006)
- Indiana's Exports to the World (April 2006)
- Midwest Business, Employment and Pay Landscape (March 2006)
- Retail Sales and the Elusive Internet Shopping Industry (February 2006)
- The Pet Industry: Another View of Economic Well-Being (January 2006)
- Average Annual Pay Comparison (December 2005)
- Bankruptcies and Foreclosures in Indiana (November 2005)
- Housing is Affordable in the Hoosier State (October 2005)
- Health Insurance Costs and Coverage (September 2005)
- Indiana's Information Sector Primarily in Telecom and Publishing (August 2005)
- Fewer Millionaires and a Larger Middle-Class: Tax Returns from 2003 (July 2005)
- Job Watch: Trends in Jobs and Establishments (May/June 2005)
- Job Watch: Indiana Employment Trends (March/April 2005)
- Indiana's Employment Versus the Nation: Where We Have Been (January/February 2005)
- Vehicle Registrations: An Economic Indicator? (July/August 2004)
- Pass the Ketchup, Please: The Leisure and Hospitality Supersector (January/February 2004)
- Quantifying the Information Industry (November/December 2003)
- September's Unemployment Snapshot (November/December 2003)
- July's Unemployment Snapshot (September/October 2003)
- May's Unemployment Snapshot (July/August 2003)
Ryan Krause
- Mexico, the U.S. and Indiana: Economy and Trade (September-October 2012)
- Digging Deeper into the Innovation Index (May-June 2011)
- A Year's Hard Labor: The Leading Index for Indiana (Nov-Dec 2010)
Kevin Krivacsy
Jennifer Kurtz
- If the Future is Here, Where is Indiana? Part II: Indiana Businesses (July/August 2003)
- If the Future is Here, Where is Indiana? (May/June 2003)
- Indiana's E-Government: A Story Behind Its Ranking (January/February 2003)
Tom Lambert
Allison Leeuw
- Labor Shortage. Jobs Deficit. Which Is It? (Mar-Apr 2016)
- Indiana Labor Force Trends: Shrinking Supply May Incentivize Employers and Training Programs to Get Creative and Competitive (Jan-Feb 2016)
- Indiana's STEM Pipeline: A Surplus of Graduates (July-Aug 2014)
- Who's Hiring? (January-February 2014)
- The Future of Work in Indiana: Job Migration and Industry Realignments (November 2007)
- Offshoring and Near-Shoring: Movement of Work Studies (October 2007)
- The Wage Pyramid: Wage Variance in Indiana (July 2007)
- Putting Feet on Research: Applying Skill Pathway Analysis to Workforce Development (May 2007)
- Is Indiana Ready to Be an Emerging Leader in the Biofuels Industry? (March 2007)
- Moving Toward Tomorrow's Jobs: Indiana's New Skill Pathways and Guides (February 2007)
- From a Lost Job to a New Career (January 2007)
- The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick-Maker Revisited: Indiana’s New Skills-Based Career Clusters (December 2006)
- Measuring Worker Productivity: Comparing Indiana to its Neighbors (November 2006)
Chris Linn
Kimberly Linville
Alexia Maggos
Molly Manns
- The 2013 Metro Landscape for Indiana (July-August 2013)
- Indiana INdicators: A New Community Health Dashboard (Mar-Apr 2013)
- Indiana's Amish Population (Nov-Dec 2012)
- Indiana's Statistical Areas: An Overview (July-August 2012)
- Southeastern Indiana: Realtors Region 6 (March-April 2011)
- Most Popular Tax Deductions in Indiana (Mar-Apr 2011)
- Amish in Indiana and the United States (Sept-Oct 2010)
- Indiana’s Small Business Snapshot (March-April 2010)
- The Fort Wayne Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (January-February 2010)
- The Michigan City-LaPorte Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (July-August 2009)
- The Gary Division Story: Told by STATS Indiana (May-June 2009)
- The Muncie Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (March-April 2009)
- The Anderson Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (January-February 2009)
- The Kokomo Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (November-December 2008)
- The Lafayette Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (September-October 2008)
- The Cincinnati-Middletown Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (July-August 2008)
- The Columbus Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (June 2008)
- Leading Indiana's Growth: The Indianapolis-Carmel Metro Story Told by STATS Indiana (May 2008)
- The Bloomington Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (April 2008)
- The Terre Haute Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (March 2008)
- Aging and Still At It: Older Workers in Indiana (March 2008)
- Indiana's Edible Industry: Food Manufacturing (February 2008)
- The Louisville Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (February 2008)
- The Evansville Metro Story: Told by STATS Indiana (January 2008)
- Farming for Data: Agriculture in Indiana (October 2007)
- Hoosier Babies (August 2007)
- The Cincinnati-Middletown-Wilmington CSA (June 2007)
- The Indianapolis-Anderson-Carmel CSA (May 2007)
- The Lafayette-Frankfort CSA (April 2007)
- The Kokomo-Peru CSA (March 2007)
- The Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn CSA (February 2007)
- The Chicago-Naperville-Michigan City CSA (January 2007)
- Growth Regions: A Side by Side Comparison (December 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 11 (November 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 10 (October 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 9 (September 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 8 (August 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 7 (July 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 6 (June 2006)
- Gifts for Dad (June 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 5 (May 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 4 (April 2006)
- Regional Perspective: Economic Growth Region 3 (March 2006)
- Economic Growth Region 2: North-Central Indiana (February 2006)
- Economic Growth Region 1: Northwest Indiana (January 2006)
Morton Marcus
- Stability and Volatility in Personal Income Growth (September-October 2009)
- Personal Income: It's All Relative (May 2008)
- Earnings per Job Growing Better than Number of Jobs (June 2007)
- The Minimum Wage (December 2005)
- Indiana's Share of U.S. Personal Income Continues to Slide (November 2005)
- Improving Our Understanding of Employment Changes (October 2005)
- The Katrina Catastrophe (September 2005)
- Getting Indiana Off the Ground (August 2005)
- Indiana's Manufacturing Advantage (July 2005)
- What Do We Want? (May/June 2005)
- The Long and Short of
Indiana's Economy (January/February 2005)
Sidebar: Trading Places (January/February 2005) - Average Wage Trends Inside and Outside Indiana (May/June 2004)
- Income Shows Slow but Continuing Growth of Indiana Economy (March/April 2004)
- The Number of Hoosier Businesses Is Shrinking (January/February 2004)
- Taxing Hoosiers (November/December 2003)
- Anatomy of Indiana's Job Losses (September/October 2003)
- Business is Big in Indiana (May/June 2003)
- Peaks to Lows: Mapping the Recession (March/April 2003)
- Indiana, U.S. Education Varies by Age Group (January/February 2003)
- The Recession of 2001 (November/December 2002)
- Questionable Data Can Lead to Questionable Analysis (September/October 2002)
Kevin McNamara
- Integration of Technology into Indiana Manufacturing (September/October 2002)
- A View From Purdue: Indiana Manufacturing (July/August 2002)
Ali Arif Merchant
- The Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Industry (July-August 2010)
- Segmenting Indiana's Automotive Manufacturing Industry: Jobs and Wages (May-June 2010)
Christine Nolan
- Occupation Clusters (January-February 2010)
- Applying Cluster Insights in a Rural Region (April 2007)
- Industry Clusters: Part of Indiana's Strategic Planning Toolkit (September/October 2004)
Mike Petro
Philip T. Powell
Joseph Roesler
- The Future of Work in Indiana: Job Migration and Industry Realignments (November 2007)
- Offshoring and Near-Shoring: Movement of Work Studies (October 2007)
Carol O. Rogers
- Indiana exports: County vulnerabilities (Mar-Apr 2025)
- Indiana goods production and exports (Jan-Feb 2025)
- Know your labor market, start your job search: Resources for Job Seekers (May-Jun 2024)
- Exporting the intangible: Indiana's global trade isn't just products (Mar-Apr 2024)
- Labor market balancing act (Sept-Oct 2023)
- Tallying the job losses: A quick view of private industry payroll employment (July-Aug 2021)
- Narrowing the focus: How the federal government plans to define metropolitan areas in the 2020s (Mar-Apr 2021)
- Census 2020, COVID-19 and Indiana's response so far—Needs to get better, fast (May-June 2020)
- They’re everywhere: The U.S. Census is afoot (Nov-Dec 2019)
- Hoosiers counting to 2020 (Sept-Oct 2019)
- The Indiana Data Partnership: Taking Indiana's data to the next level (Sept-Oct 2019)
- Amazon HQ2 short-listed U.S. cities (January-February 2018)
- Future of Work 101 (Nov-Dec 2017)
- Occupation Assignment Engine helps fill knowledge gaps (July-Aug 2017)
- Indiana's 2016 population a fitting milestone in the state's 200-year history (Mar-Apr 2017)
- Put these in your workforce and economic development toolkit (Mar-Apr 2017)
- Millennials Outnumber Boomers (Jan-Feb 2016)
- Hoosier Veterans (March-April 2015)
- Today's Labor Force (January-February 2015)
- Measuring Income Refined: Per Capita Personal Income Now Adjusted for Regional Price Parities (June-July 2014)
- Gibson Is Gone (and So Is Webster) (July-August 2013)
- The Education of Hoosiers: An Overview (January-February 2013)
- First-Time Homebuyers Got Billions in Tax Credits (September-October 2012)
- Gotta Eat: Indiana Food Processing (July-Aug 2012)
- Living Solo (May-Jun 2012)
- Top Level Degrees in Indiana: A Look at the Numbers (March-April 2012)
- Measuring Indiana: Veterans (Jan-Feb 2012)
- A Demographic View of Indiana's Housing Slump (November-December 2011)
- Measuring the Size and Scope of Government in Indiana and Across the U.S. (September-October 2011)
- Southeastern Indiana: Realtors Region 6 (March-April 2011)
- Hoosiers Commuting Into Illinois for Work: Timing Ripe to Reverse the Flow? (March-April 2011)
- Free Data for Our Small Towns, Townships, School Districts and Neighborhoods (Jan-Feb 2011)
- Southwestern Indiana: Realtors Region 5 Profile (Jan-Feb 2011)
- Central Indiana: Realtors Region 4 Profile (Nov-Dec 2010)
- Unemployment Rate Is Lower When Education Is Higher (Nov-Dec 2010)
- Northeast Indiana: Realtors Region 3 Profile (Sept-Oct 2010)
- North-Central Indiana: Realtors Region 2 Profile (July-August 2010)
- Jobs at Last Part of the Recovery (July-August 2010)
- Realtors Region 1—The View from STATS Indiana (May-June 2010)
- Down for the Count, Up for the Data (May-June 2010)
- The Year that Counts: 2010 (March-April 2010)
- The State of Hoosier Unions: A Demographic View of Marriage (November-December 2009)
- The Latest on Indiana's Foreign-Born Population (September-October 2009)
- On Labor Force, Employment and Jobs (September-October 2008)
- Where From? Where To? Insights on Migration (June 2008)
- The Top 20 Counties in Indiana: Magnets for Growth (May 2007)
- Coasts Cost Most: Monthly Homeowner Costs (December 2006)
- Automobile Assembly in Indiana (August 2006)
- Population Growth Matters: Latest Stats for Indiana (January 2006)
- Coming and Going in Indiana: Recent Migration Trends (October 2005)
- Who Owns Hoosier Businesses? (September 2005)
- Beyond the Limits: Significant Population Gains Occur Outside Cities and Towns (July 2005)
- New Hires in Indiana (May/June 2005)
- Job Dynamics: Creation, Loss and
Sidebar: Local Employment Dynamics (March/April 2005) - Moving On Up: Perry County's Success in Growing Jobs and Wages (March/April 2005)
- An Update on Indiana's Working Women (November/December 2004)
- Quarterly Personal Income: Comparing Performance (July/August 2004)
- Job Losses Since Peak: Revised and Revisited (March/April 2004)
- Indiana's Population Gains: What's Our Rank? (January/February 2004)
- The Job Truth Is Out There—But Where? (January/February 2004)
- Counts of Establishments Up, Jobs Down (November/December 2003)
- Hoosier Demographics: A Regional Perspective (September/October 2003)
- Indiana's Personal Income Continues to Grow, But… (September/October 2003)
- Moving In, Moving Out: Census Migration Figures Released (September/October 2003)
- A New Metro Landscape for Indiana (July/August 2003)
- Mid-Year Outlook for the Economy (July/August 2003)
- The Latest News on Indiana Personal Income (May/June 2003)
- Indiana Shows Marked Improvement in Adults with College Degrees (March/April 2003)
- Indiana's Ports (March/April 2003)
- Indiana's Latest Quarterly Income Shows Growth (January/February 2003)
- Per Capita Income Confusion for Counties (January/February 2003)
- Tracking How Indiana Does Business (November/December 2002)
John Schroeder
Vicki Seegert
- Yardsticks: Per Capita Income as One Measure of Economic Well-Being (September-October 2015)
- If You Build It, They Will Come: Indiana's Labor Response to Changing Employment Opportunities (November-December 2013)
- Autoworker Re-Employment in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio (Jan-Feb 2012)
- Hoosier Engines of Job Growth (December 2007)
- Beyond the Front Desk of the Hospitality Industry (October 2007)
- The Power of One: One-Employee Establishments in Indiana (June 2007)
- Putting Feet on Research: Applying Skill Pathway Analysis to Workforce Development (May 2007)
- More than Rocket Scientists Put a Man on the Moon (April 2007)
- Coal Mining in Indiana: All Fired Up or In the Pits? (April 2006)
- Around and 'Round the Mulberry Bush: Intra-Region Employment Commuting in Economic Growth Region 1 (January 2006)
- Whales and Minnows: Indiana's Employment by Size (November 2005)
- The Confluence of Change: 2005 Labor Force Estimates (September 2005)
- A New Approach to City-Level Unemployment Estimates (August 2005)
Kent Sellers
- The comeback: How Hoosiers are recovering from the economic shutdown (Nov-Dec 2020)
- What do job openings tell us about our economy? (Nov-Dec 2018)
- What Is the Unemployment Rate Really? (Nov-Dec 2015)
Bill Sheldrake
Timothy F. Slaper
- The domestic and international companies investing in Indiana (July-Aug 2022)
- Did the COVID-19 pandemic change domestic or international sources of foreign direct investment? (May-June 2022)
- Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected foreign direct investment in Indiana? (January-February 2022)
- BLISful: Early lessons learned from the RED project (January-February 2018)
- Fast Facts about Indiana's Top 10 Export Markets (November-December 2014)
- Indiana's Trade with BRICS and Emerging Markets (March-April 2014)
- Fast Facts about Foreign Direct Investment in Indiana (September-October 2013)
- Life Science Industries Increase Indiana’s Personal Income (May-June 2013)
- The Economic Bootprint of Defense Spending in Indiana (November-December 2011)
- How Green is Indiana? (September-October 2011)
- Jobs for Displaced Auto Workers (July-Aug 2011)
- A Year's Hard Labor: The Leading Index for Indiana (Nov-Dec 2010)
- How Innovative Are Indiana’s Metro Areas? (March-April 2010)
- Measuring Regional Capacity for Innovation (January-February 2010)
- Increasing Per Capita Personal Income in Indiana (November-December 2008)
- Indiana's Leading Export Industries (September-October 2008)
- Foreign Companies Invest in Indiana (April 2008)
- Indiana Exports on Pace for Record Year in 2007 (December 2007)
- Recovery and Restructuring Part II: The Indiana Economy Since 2001 (October 2007)
- Recovery and Restructuring Part I: The Indiana Economy Since 2001 (September 2007)
Allison Snyder
Arun Srinivasan
Kim Stevenson
- Do you know your labor analyst? If not, you should! (Nov-Dec 2023)
- COVID influences the labor force (Sept-Oct 2023)
Carol Stewart
Rachel Strange (Rachel Justis)
- Immigrants in Indiana: A demographic snapshot of the state's foreign-born population (July-Aug 2024)
- The 2023 metro landscape for Indiana (Nov-Dec 2023)
- The drivers of Indiana's transportation and warehousing growth (Mar-Apr 2023)
- Employment growth within Indiana's industry sectors (Jan-Feb 2023)
- Average wage growth across Indiana industries (Nov-Dec 2022)
- Average wage growth across Indiana counties (Sept-Oct 2022)
- Exploring labor force changes in Indiana metro areas (Mar-Apr 2022)
- Population growth across Indiana's legislative districts (Nov-Dec 2021)
- How has Indiana census tract geography changed for the 2020 Census? (May-Jun 2021)
- How the Census 2020 response rate varied across Indiana: A granular view by tract (Mar-Apr 2021)
- How much employment recovery should we expect for Indiana's metro areas in 2021? (Jan-Feb 2021)
- Hoosiers responded comparatively well to the 2020 Census (Nov-Dec 2020)
- Tracking unemployment claims throughout the pandemic (July-Aug 2020)
- 2020 employment outlook for Indiana's metro areas (Jan-Feb 2020)
- Why Indiana’s congressional districts will change after Census 2020 (Nov-Dec 2019)
- Is population growth in other states dominated by a single metro—or is that just us? (Sept-Oct 2019)
- Gateway's most popular local government data (May-June 2019)
- Median household income by race: Why margins of error matter (Mar-Apr 2019)
- Veterans in Indiana (Nov-Dec 2018)
- What the American Community Survey tells us about grandparents who are raising their grandchildren in Indiana (Sept-Oct 2018)
- Indiana's elderly population projected to climb sharply (July-Aug 2018)
- Indiana's degree attainment by place of birth (May-Jun 2018)
- A closer look at Hoosiers with no high school diploma (Mar-Apr 2018)
- Employment expectations for Indiana metros in 2018 (Jan-Feb 2018)
- Indiana's changing age mosaic (Nov-Dec 2017)
- Understanding the administrative, support, waste management and remediation services sector (Sept-Oct 2017)
- Internet Use in Indiana (May-Jun 2017)
- How Indiana's manufacturing employment is changing (Mar-Apr 2017)
- Economic expectations: Indiana's metro areas in 2017 (Jan-Feb 2017)
- Short haul or long haul: Migration flows to and from Indiana (Nov-Dec 2016)
- The Saga of Small Towns (Mar-Apr 2016)
- What to Expect in Indiana's Metro Economies during 2016 (Jan-Feb 2016)
- Growth and Decline in Indiana's Small Towns (November-December 2015)
- Indiana Manufacturing on a Roll (March-April 2015)
- 90 Years and Indiana Doubles Its Population (January-February 2015)
- What Can IRS Data Tell Us about Income in Indiana? (July-August 2014)
- Annual Commuting Trends (May-June 2014)
- Hoosiers on the Move (March-April 2014)
- Exploring Hoosier Minority Groups: Indiana's Native American Population (November-December 2013)
- Born Abroad: Recent Immigrants to Indiana (September-October 2013)
- Exploring Hoosier Minority Groups: Indiana’s Asian Population (September-October 2013)
- Exploring Hoosier Minority Groups: Indiana’s Hispanic Population (July-August 2013)
- Exploring Hoosier Minority Groups: Indiana’s Black Population (May-June 2013)
- Data Don'ts: When You Shouldn't Average Averages (March-April 2013)
- How Long Is That Commute? OnTheMap Sheds Light on Distance from Home to Work (September-October 2012)
- Senior Citizens in Indiana Metros (May-Jun 2012)
- Union Membership in Indiana (March-April 2012)
- Health Insurance Coverage (Jan-Feb 2012)
- Indiana's Minority Population Is Growing (November-December 2011)
- Where are the Kids? Indiana Households with Children (September-October 2011)
- Indiana Personal Income: The Recession Experience (July-August 2011)
- Broadband Adoption in Indiana (May-June 2011)
- Roller Coaster Employment: A Look at Before, During and After the Recession (May-June 2011)
- Uneven Population Growth Means Significant Changes Ahead for Indiana's Legislative Districts (March-April 2011)
- Most Popular Job Openings in Indiana (Jan-Feb 2011)
- How Will Indiana's Shifting Population Affect Legislative Redistricting? (Nov-Dec 2010)
- Unemployment Rate Is Lower When Education Is Higher (Nov-Dec 2010)
- The Higher Education Plans of Indiana's High School Graduates (Sept-Oct 2010)
- Indiana Employee Tenure by Industry and Manufacturing Sub-Sector (July-August 2010)
- Where Can I Find Commuting Data? (March-April 2010)
- How Innovative Are Indiana’s Metro Areas? (March-April 2010)
- Measuring Regional Capacity for Innovation (January-February 2010)
- The State of Hoosier Unions: A Demographic View of Marriage (November-December 2009)
- Cities and Towns vs. Unincorporated Areas: Latest Growth Trends (September-October 2009)
- Commuting Brings Money In or Takes Money Out (July-August 2009)
- More Than One Census (May-June 2009)
- Manufacturing Drove Indiana Compensation in 2007 (March-April 2009)
- The Wait Is Over—ACS Data for Areas with Populations of 20,000 or More (January-February 2009)
- Higher Education: Women Take Lead (November-December 2008)
- The Search for Significance: A Crash Course in Statistical Significance Using ACS 2007 (November-December 2008)
- Changing Trends: Cities and Towns Gaining Population (September-October 2008)
- What Do You Mean the Data Are Suppressed? Understanding the Ins and Outs of QCEW Disclosure Rules (July-August 2008)
- Hispanics Continue to Gain Population Share in Indiana (June 2008)
- Population Change Among Indiana's Metros (May 2008)
- Census 2010 Update: The Next Decennial—Two Years and Counting (April 2008)
- Increasing Unincorporation (March 2008)
- Workers Needed: Please Apply by 2025 (February 2008)
- Nurses in Demand: Hot Jobs by Indiana Region (January 2008)
- Housing Unit Estimates for 2006 (November 2007)
- Indiana's On the Map: New Way to Access Labor Force Data (September 2007)
- Population Change in Indiana Cities and Towns, 2000 to 2006 (August 2007)
- What's Driving Population Growth in Indiana Counties and Regions? (July 2007)
- Census 2010 Update: It's Time for Local Governments to Update List of Housing Units (June 2007)
- The Top 20 Counties in Indiana: Magnets for Growth (May 2007)
- On the Road Again: How Hoosiers Get to Work (March 2007)
- A Nation in Debt: U.S. International Investment (December 2006)
- Are the Well-Educated Coming to Indiana? (November 2006)
- How Do Education, Age and Gender Relate? (October 2006)
- How Educated Are We? (September 2006)
- Small Businesses in Large Numbers (September 2006)
- Living in the Suburbs (August 2006)
- Hoosier Students and the Public Schools (August 2006)
- Growth in Indiana's Health Care Sector (July 2006)
- Immigration in Indiana (June 2006)
- 'Getting Hitched:' Marriage in Indiana (June 2006)
- Property Tax Rates Across the State (May 2006)
- Raising Children ... Again: Indiana's Grandparents as Primary Caregivers (May 2006)
- Taxing Indiana—2004 Returns Reveal Much about Our Relative Wealth (April 2006)
- Manufacturing Counties—The Fallen (March 2006)
- Indiana's Manufacturing Counties (February 2006)
- A Closer Look at Indiana's College Counties (January 2006)
- The Terre Haute Metro Area (December 2005)
- The South Bend–Mishawaka Metro Area (November 2005)
- Indiana's Income by Race (November 2005)
- The Muncie Metro Area (October 2005)
- Flooding: How Prepared are Hoosiers? (October 2005)
- The Michigan City-La Porte Metro Area (September 2005)
- The Hoosier Side of Louisville (August 2005)
- The Lafayette Metro Area (July 2005)
- The Kokomo Metro Area (May/June 2005)
- The Indianapolis Metro Area (March/April 2005)
- The Gary Metro Division (January/February 2005)
- The Fort Wayne Metro Area (November/December 2004)
- The Evansville Metro Area (September/October 2004)
- The Elkhart-Goshen Metro Area (July/August 2004)
- The Columbus Metro Area (May/June 2004)
- The Bloomington Metro Area (March/April 2004)
- The Anderson Metro Area (January/February 2004)
- Commerce Region 12: Southern Indiana (November/December 2003)
- Commerce Region 11: Southwest Indiana (September/October 2003)
- Commerce Region 10: South Central Indiana (July/August 2003)
- Commerce Region 9: Southeastern Indiana (May/June 2003)
- Commerce Region 8: East Central Indiana (March/April 2003)
- Commerce Region Seven: Central Indiana (January/February 2003)
- Region Six: East Central Indiana (November/December 2002)
- Region Five: North Central Indiana (September/October 2002)
Brenda Swartz
Michael Thompson
- Hoosiers without Banks: Differences by Race, Income and Metro Area (March-April 2011)
- The Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Industry (July-August 2010)
- Indiana Employee Tenure by Industry and Manufacturing Sub-Sector (July-August 2010)
- Segmenting Indiana's Automotive Manufacturing Industry: Jobs and Wages (May-June 2010)
- Do Teachers Have Education Degrees? Matching Fields of Study to Popular Occupations of Bachelor’s Degree Graduates
- Earnings of a Lifetime: Comparing Women and Men with College and Graduate Degrees (March-April 2009)
- Expanding Indiana's Monthly Employment Data (March-April 2009)
- Major Livestock and Poultry Operations Across Indiana: A Census of CFOs and CAFOs (March 2008)
- Moving “Up One Level:” Preparing for Service and Supervisory Roles through Cross-Functional Skills (January 2008)
- Moving “Up One Level:” Improving Job Prospects by Developing Basic Skills (December 2007)
- The Demand for Soft Skills: Key Skills for Indiana's Growing Occupations through 2014 (September 2007)
Vincent Thompson
- Indiana's Elderly: How Are They Doing? (November-December 2009)
- Beyond the Limits: Significant Population Gains Occur Outside Cities and Towns (July 2005)
- Planning a City's Future: The South Bend Population Projections (July 2005)
- Population Estimates for 2004: Indiana Barely Maintains Its Rank (January/February 2005)
- The Changing Employment Landscape
Sidebar: Background on the Data (November/December 2004) - Hoosier Businesses Ramp Up Exports (September/October 2004)
- People and Goods on the Move: Indiana’s Transportation and Warehousing Sector (May/June 2004)
- Crawling Out of the Trough: More on Indiana's Personal Income (March/April 2004)
- Indiana's Population Gains: What's Our Rank? (January/February 2004)
Jackie Turner
Edita Ubartaite
- Baltic States Part III: Estonia (December 2006)
- Baltic States Part II: Latvia (November 2006)
- Baltic States and Indiana (October 2006)
Fran Valentine
Jill Waity
David Waldron
- Career and technical education: Outcomes on employment, wages and industry (Sept-Oct 2017)
- A Closer Look at Self-Employment in Indiana (May-June 2016)
- Apprenticeship employment and wage outcomes (Sept-Oct 2016)
Brigitte Waldorf
Anika Williams
Frank Wilmot
- Inside the Data Center (June 2006)
- Sister Carrie and Women Wage Earners in the 1890s (May 2006)
- The Wal-Mart Phenomenon—A Demographic Comparison of Wal-Mart Have and Have Nots (April 2006)
- Inside the Data Center (March 2006)
- Inside the Data Center (February 2006)
- Inside the Data Center (December 2005)
- Inside the Data Center (November 2005)
- Inside the Data Center (September 2005)
- Inside the Data Center (August 2005)
- Starbucks Follows the Wealthy and the College Kids (July 2005)
- Identity Crisis (May/June 2005)
- Indiana: A Petroleum State? (March/April 2005)
- How Old Is That Commuter? (January/February 2005)
- People Do Move to Indiana (November/December 2004)
- The Census Bureau: Aren't They on Vacation Until 2010? (September/October 2004)
Suzanne Witmer
Jon Wright
- Opportunity Varies by Geography: Long-Term Job Outlook in Indiana's Economic Growth Regions (September 2007)
- Measuring Worker Productivity: Comparing Indiana to its Neighbors (November 2006)
- Indiana's Occupational Employment Outlook to 2014 (September 2006)
- Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs (July 2006)
- New and Emerging Occupations in Indiana (May 2006)
- Indiana Strategic Skills Initiative (January 2006)
- Indiana’s Occupational Employment Outlook to 2012 (December 2005)
- Boomer Retirements in Indiana (September 2005)
Sun Yoon
Andy Zehner
Ping (Claire) Zheng
- Indiana's foreign direct investment since the Great Recession (September-October 2020)
- Filling in the holes: Generating point estimates for QCEW suppressed data (Jan-Feb 2020)
Timothy Zimmer
- The unequal employment effects of COVID-19 (Sept-Oct 2020)
- Job concentration and the challenge of rural development in Indiana (July-August 2019)
- Retail employment trends (January-February 2019)
- Don't forget to watch interest rates in 2018 (January-February 2018)
- Indianapolis and the ring: The changing nature of commuting workers (May-Jun 2017)
- Manufacturing Wage Premium Is Stable (Mar-Apr 2016)
- Yardsticks: Per Capita Income as One Measure of Economic Well-Being (September-October 2015)
- The Asymmetric Impact of Policy and the Need to Regionalize (July-August 2015)
- Job Growth Uneven across Indiana (March-April 2015)
- Importance of the Statewide Industry Mix (September-October 2014)
- Has the Grass Turned to Mud? Employer Concerns about Skilled Labor (September-October 2014)
- Indiana's STEM Pipeline: A Surplus of Graduates (July-Aug 2014)
- Understanding the Benefits of Workforce Churn (January-February 2014)
- If You Build It, They Will Come: Indiana's Labor Response to Changing Employment Opportunities (November-December 2013)
- Small Firm Growth: Important for Success (September-October 2013)
- Per Capita Income Recovery: Indiana Counties (July-August 2013)
- The Great Recession’s Impact on Frictional Unemployment and the Labor Market (May-June 2013)
- What's Behind the Labor Force Participation Rate? (March-April 2013)
- Taking the Hometown Discount: What is the Daily Commute Worth to You? (January-February 2013)
- Labor Force Dynamics: What Influences the Size of the Labor Force? (January-February 2013)
- Assessment of the Workkeys® Job Skills Test (Nov-Dec 2012)
- Manufacturing's Impact on Household Income and the Middle Class (Nov-Dec 2012)
- Indiana Recession Employment Patterns (May-Jun 2012)
- Autoworker Re-Employment in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio (Jan-Feb 2012)
- Does Cost of Living Affect Indiana Incomes? (November-December 2011)