Monthly Metrics: Indiana's Economic and Workforce Indicators
Total Employment, 2004 to 2005
The first half of 2005 saw the state's rate of expansion keep pace with the nation, but a drop in July widened the gap. This gap in percent change closed slightly in August and September. September had the second highest employment levels (behind June) in 2005 (October, November and December data are not yet available).
Gross State Product, 2003 to 2004
Real gross state product (GSP) for Indiana was up 3.8 percent from 2003 to 2004, while U.S. real GSP grew 4.3 percent. Indiana ranked 34th in the nation for GSP growth. The information industry experienced the largest growth both in the United States (9.8 percent) and in Indiana (14 percent).
The United States and Indiana saw reductions in GSP for the educational services, mining, and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industries.
Average Food Stamps Per Person and Per Household, 2004 to 2005
The state is above the national averages for food stamps per person and food stamps per household. Both the national and the state average saw a spike in October 2004. Since then, averages have fluctuated slightly. However, Indiana's figures have not seen a meaningful decline from that peak.
Change in Employment and Median Wages by Occupation, 2003 to 2004
Indiana lags behind the nation in median wage growth for all occupations. The nation showed a 2.4 percent increase, while Indiana gained 1.7 percent. Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations showed a 5.2 percent increase in median wages both nationally and in the state.
In arts, design, entertainment, sports and media occupations, Indiana saw an 8.9 percent increase in employment, while the United States saw a 4.0 percent change. The transportation and material moving sector showed a significant difference between the state and the nation: a 6.5 percent change for Indiana and a 2.5 percent change in the nation.
Manufacturing Employment, 2005
Manufacturing jobs in Indiana declined slightly in September and October, while the nation saw a slight increase. In October, Indiana saw a 0.8 percent decline in employment, while the nation dropped 0.7 percent. This was the first time in 2005 that Indiana fell below the United States in percentage change.
Selected Patent Classes, 2004
Drug, bio-affecting and body treatment compositions continue to be the top patents registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, with a total of 70 patents—down from the 99 patents in 2003. Internal combustion engine patents improved its ranking from fourth in 2003 to second in 2004. Overall, patents dropped slightly from 1,382 in 2003 to 1,277 in 2004.